“Youth is for taking risks, good risks, risks full of hope. It is meant to be staked on great things. Youth is meant to be given away, to help others to know the Lord. Don’t keep your youth to yourselves: get out there!” - Pope Francis
St. John Vianney Youth Ministry challenges teens to be their authentic selves by finding their unique voice in a world of uninspired conformity and to find their true identity in no one other than Jesus Christ.
Jessica Palczynski
Email: ym@sjvbett.org
(563) 332-7910 ext. 111
7th and 8th grades - Junior High Alive
9th-12th grades - Youth Ministry
10th grade - Confirmation
11-12th grades - Retreat Team
10-12th grades - Teen Leadership
Online registration will be available on June 1st for the 2024-2025 school year. Cost is $50 for one child, $90 for two children or $125 for 3+ children in religious education/Youth Ministry, Pre-K, Kindergarten-12.