Baking / Funeral Luncheons
Several times throughout the year, volunteers are asked to provide baked goods for sales, fundraisers, dinners, etc.
Funeral luncheon buffets are prepared and served to families as needed, upon request, following funeral Masses. With each funeral, individual parish volunteers are called to provide a side dish, salad, or dessert, and bring it to the church on the day of the service. A team of volunteers is also present to set up, serve, and clean up the meal.
Contact: Julie Mishler (563) 332-7910
Curé of Ars Guild
The Cure of Ars Guild consists of all the Circles of St. John Vianney. As members of the community of SJV, all women of the parish—whether they belong to a circle or not—comprise this guild. Within the Guild, there are five women’s circles: St. Ann’s, St. Anthony’s, St. Margaret’s, St. Monica’s, and St. Teresa’s. The Circles facilitate various service and social activities throughout the year for all women of the parish, as well as the SJV community as a whole. All women of the parish are invited to join one of the Circles.
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 340-8585
St. Ann's Circle turns the sacraments into celebrations by either selecting gifts or hosting receptions for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. They provide an annual dinner that welcomes new ladies to the parish. Christmas is brightened through their Poinsettia sales. They hold regular monthly meetings at local restaurants at 5 pm on the third Thursday of each month. Lastly for fun they get together informally each month to play games and simply enjoy the fellowship.
Contact: Cindy Corrigan (563) 344-9969
Infamous for their annual turkey salad sale fundraiser and supporters of various outreach ministries. Monthly meetings are held at noon on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, September through May, at local restaurants. Details are published in the parish bulletin.
Contact: Carol Harrison (563) 355-2982
St. Monica's Circle serve as host for the annual Senior Brunch for graduating high school students, sponsor the Valentine bake sale fundraiser and does a community service project at Christmas providing gifts or other needs for a community agency. Monthly meetings are held at 630 pm on the First Thursday of each month at St. John Vianney
Contact: CAROL KILBURG (563) 320-2616
Connecting women to each other through social, service, and spiritual-building opportunities within our parish and community. Hosting Purposeful Pause nights of reflection during Advent and Lent. Meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in the East Room. Join us.
Contact: Maureen Durick or Dominique Friebel
Fish Dinner Team
Fish dinners are served annually on two Fridays during Lent. The team of volunteers plan, prepares, serve, and clean up a baked fish meal that fed a record crowd in 2018. Fish tacos, shrimp tacos, grilled cheese, and clam chowder are on the menu as well. Proceeds support various ministries within SJV and beyond.
Contact: Nancy Blaser (563) 940-5562
Men's Fellowship
Promoting fellowship and positive social opportunities in a faith-centered environment for adult men of our parish. Key activities include coordination of our annual parish picnic, golf outing, Valen309tine dinner and dance, and SJV Night at the Ballpark with the River Bandits. All parish men 21 years old and up are invited to participate. Meetings are held at 6:30pm on the 1st Thursday of each month in the Parish Activity Center.
Contact: Todd Schieffer (563) 291-3630
Prayer Chain (E-Mail & Mail)
A network of prayer warriors providing prayerful support for those requesting it. E-mails are sent to the network as requests become known; those who prefer mail receive a weekly update of requests.
Contact: Mary Rehmann (563) 355-6709
Rosary / Communion at Bettendorf Health Care
Contact: Health Ministry (563) 332-7910 x122
Stewardship Commission
Coordinates a variety of social and service activities that help our parish thrive through the sharing of our time, talent, and treasure, to build up the Church, live out a Christ-centered life, and make stewardship a way of life at SJV.
Contact: Dan & Katie Schlader (563) 275-9338
Welcome Center
Located in the Gathering Space, parishioner volunteers staff our Welcome Center after all weekend Masses, to greet those new to SJV, register new members, and answer questions about our parish life. Welcome gifts are provided to all new members when they register.
Contact: Dan & Barb Drescher (563) 370-0172