Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic ADoration

O, come let us Adore him

As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is really and truly present to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Because of this, devotion has spread to adore Jesus in the Eucharist even outside of the Mass. This can be done in front of a tabernacle where extra hosts are preserved, but now, more commonly, in Eucharistic Adoration where the Eucharist is exposed in a container called a monstrance.

We are proud to bring Eucharistic Adoration to St. John Vianney on a weekly basis. Below you find more details about Eucharistic Adoration here at SJV.


Marty Corrigan


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1st Fridays of the Month

8:15am - 8:55am

(w/ Rosary)

Resources for making a Holy Hour (1-Hour of Adoration)

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