Saint John Vianney music ministry seeks to give God praise, adoration, and thanksgiving, by giving back to Him the gifts and talents that He has given us. Enlivened by the Spirit, we seek to support the full, conscious, and active participation of the faithful in music at Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
Apostles of "Hymn" (grades 7-12, singers/instrumentalists) - rehearse 1xSunday/month
Plays 1 Mass/month
Young Shepherds Choir (grades 1-6, singers) - rehearse Wednesdays 5:30-6:15pm (in between RE sessions). Sing as scheduled for Mass and other liturgies (1x/month or less)
Brass Ensemble (confident teen and adult, brass players) -
Plays 1 Mass/month
Celebration Ringers (grades 9 through adult, handbells) - rehearse Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm, "Rings" 1 Mass/month
Chamber Ensemble (confident teen and adult strings, woodwinds, and percussion)
Plays 1 Mass/month
Exultate Choir (grade 9 through adult, singers) - rehearse Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, sing most Sundays Sept-May
The Resurrection Choir sings for funeral Masses as they are scheduled. Please contact Colin at to be added to the email group. Choir members are given a few days' notice when they are requested to sing. Come and sing as your schedule allows.