Caregiver Support
This group meets once a month in the Vianney Room and presents relevant topics regarding caregiving and support for caregivers.
Contact: Health Ministry (563) 332-7910 ext 122,
Christian Family Movement
Contact: Maureen Conrad, (563) 940-5921 / Janene Misak, (563) 349-7832,
Donut Sunday Social Gatherings in the Activity Center when the space is available following Sunday Masses to enjoy refreshments and share in our community.
Contact: Julie Mishler (563) 332-7910 ext. 110,
Grief Share (Health Ministry)
Individual / family support for those grieving the loss of a loved one is available year round. Please, call. There is a series of grief education classes, that are ongoing throughout the year, followed by a grief support group for learning, sharing and praying.
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 340-8585,
Marriage Prep
Contact: Daryl Fortin (563) 940-5000,
Community Outreach
SJV supports our local communitues with Thanksgiving baskets, Angel gifts at Christmas, school supplies in the fall, and the local teenage pregnancy program throughout the year.
Contact: Jessica Palczynski (563) 332-7910 x111,
Haiti Committee
The mission of the Haiti Committee is to help our twin parish, Notre Dame du Rosaire in Jean-Denis, Haiti, to improve the quality of their physical, economic social and spiritual lives. Our vision is to do this through a long term relationship with Notre Dame du Rosaire parish, through partnerships and projects and by working within the needs discerned by the Notre Dame parish.
Contact: Mark Blaser (309) 236-0865,
Mission Website:
Health Ministry
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 332-7910 x122, or
Hospital Visits and Communion
Hospital visits and/or communion are by request only.
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 340-8585
Knights of Columbus
Contact: Dan Egan (920) 268-9991
Meal Site
A ministry that helps feed the poor and underprivileged. Once a month, SJV prepares, delivers and serves a hot meal for approximately 75 people in downtown Davenport. Volunteers are needed in 2 areas: 1) prepare food in the SJV kitchen (about two hours a month) and 2) bake homemade cookies or cupcakes.
Contact: Sue Cassatt (563) 355-8187
St. Veronica's Outreach
Contact: Daryl Fortin (563) 940-5000 or Kathy Langley (563) 343-4780
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets twice a month to knit and crochet shawls for those in need of comfort and prayer.
Contact: Barb Drescher 563-370-0132
St Francis of Assisi Pet Ministry
Our mission is to promote compassion for all God's creatures and to encourage pet owners and caretakers with love; to support all who care about animals with prayer and action. Anyone and everyone can participate, you don't have to own a pet to get involved. We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Activity Center.
Contact: Kim McCool (563-340-0071),, Facebook: Click Here
Social Justice Committee
Contact: Jean Lipinski, (262) 366-7839,
Links to Related Organizations:
Sisters of Humility of Mary / Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Schedule
Benet House Retreat Center - Schedule
Bettendorf Food Pantry
We participate with The Churches United Network of Food Pantries to provide a free 3 to 5 day supply of basic food that will stave off hunger to those in need of assistance. We provide volunteers on Wednesdays from 9-11:00 AM and Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM.
Cafe on Vine
This organization provides meals for the homeless and displaced in downtown Davenport. Volunteers are needed for preparing food, serving the meal and cleaning dishes.
Contact: Wuanita Sullivan (563) 559-6482
Church United of the Quad Cities
This organization is a cooperative association of 136+ churches representing 20+ Christian Faith traditions in the greater Quad Cities area.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Melvin Grimes (563) 332-5002
Habitat for Humanity
A group that volunteers to build homes for a nationally recognized home building program. Website:
Contact: Bill Pajunen (563) 650-3284,
Humility Homes & Services
A group that helps with temporary housing, job training and mentoring.
Congregation of the Humility of Mary
A women's group that serves the community and offers various educational classes through the Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center. Website: