Parish Organizations

Family Life & Social Ministries

SJV Laudato Si Plan

Family Life Ministries at SJV

Caregiver Support 

This group meets once a month in the Vianney Room and presents relevant topics regarding caregiving and support for caregivers.
Contact: Health Ministry (563) 332-7910 ext 122,

Christian Family Movement
Contact: Maureen Conrad, (563) 940-5921 / Janene Misak, (563) 349-7832,

Donut Sunday Social Gatherings in the Activity Center when the space is available following Sunday Masses to enjoy refreshments and share in our community.
Contact: Julie Mishler (563) 332-7910 ext. 110,

Grief Share (Health Ministry) 

Individual / family support for those grieving the loss of a loved one is available year round. Please, call. There is a series of grief education classes, that are ongoing throughout the year, followed by a grief support group for learning, sharing and praying.
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 340-8585,

Marriage Prep
Contact: Daryl Fortin (563) 940-5000,

Social Action Ministries at SJV

Community Outreach 

SJV supports our local communitues with Thanksgiving baskets, Angel gifts at Christmas, school supplies in the fall, and the local teenage pregnancy program throughout the year.
Contact: Jessica Palczynski (563) 332-7910 x111,

Haiti Committee 

The mission of the Haiti Committee is to help our twin parish, Notre Dame du Rosaire in Jean-Denis, Haiti, to improve the quality of their physical, economic social and spiritual lives. Our vision is to do this through a long term relationship with Notre Dame du Rosaire parish, through partnerships and projects and by working within the needs discerned by the Notre Dame parish.
Contact: Mark Blaser (309) 236-0865, 

Mission Website:

Health Ministry
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 332-7910 x122, or

Hospital Visits and Communion

Hospital visits and/or communion are by request only.
Contact: Deb Morse (563) 340-8585

Knights of Columbus
Contact: Dan Egan (920) 268-9991

Meal Site 

A ministry that helps feed the poor and underprivileged. Once a month, SJV prepares, delivers and serves a hot meal for approximately 75 people in downtown Davenport. Volunteers are needed in 2 areas: 1) prepare food in the SJV kitchen (about two hours a month) and 2) bake homemade cookies or cupcakes.
Contact: Sue Cassatt (563) 355-8187

St. Veronica's Outreach

Contact: Daryl Fortin (563) 940-5000  or  Kathy Langley (563) 343-4780

Prayer Shawl Ministry 

Meets twice a month to knit and crochet shawls for those in need of comfort and prayer.
Contact: Barb Drescher 563-370-0132

St Francis of Assisi Pet Ministry

Our mission is to promote compassion for all God's creatures and to encourage pet owners and caretakers with love; to support all who care about animals with prayer and action. Anyone and everyone can participate, you don't have to own a pet to get involved. We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Activity Center.

Contact: Kim McCool (563-340-0071),, Facebook: Click Here


Social Justice Committee
Contact: Jean Lipinski, (262) 366-7839,

Local Service Opportunities

Links to Related Organizations: 

Sisters of Humility of Mary / Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Schedule

Benet House Retreat Center - Schedule

Humility of Mary Shelter

St. Ambrose University Events

Bettendorf Food Pantry 

We participate with The Churches United Network of Food Pantries to provide a free 3 to 5 day supply of basic food that will stave off hunger to those in need of assistance. We provide volunteers on Wednesdays from 9-11:00 AM and Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM.

Cafe on Vine 

This organization provides meals for the homeless and displaced in downtown Davenport. Volunteers are needed for preparing food, serving the meal and cleaning dishes.
Contact: Wuanita Sullivan (563) 559-6482

Church United of the Quad Cities 

This organization is a cooperative association of 136+ churches representing 20+ Christian Faith traditions in the greater Quad Cities area.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Melvin Grimes (563) 332-5002

Habitat for Humanity 

A group that volunteers to build homes for a nationally recognized home building program. Website:
Contact: Bill Pajunen (563) 650-3284,

Humility Homes & Services 

A group that helps with temporary housing, job training and mentoring. 

Congregation of the Humility of Mary 

A women's group that serves the community and offers various educational classes through the Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center. Website:

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