Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.
-Pope Francis-
St. John Vianney Preschool is a Catholic-run program benefitting the child, family, community, and the church. The preschool's philosophy is to provide a relaxed, yet rich and stimulating environment that enhances the social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development of each child.
Just moved to the area?
Preschoolers are welcome to enroll at any time during the year if we have openings available. Please contact the Preschool Director for more information.
Angela Beard, Director of SJV Preschool
Please email us and join us on Facebook
As many of you know next school year brings an exciting change for St. John Vianney and Lourdes Catholic School. St. Joan of Arc Catholic School will open its doors in the Fall of 2025. The new Catholic School will have an early childhood center that is made up of Lourdes and St. John Vianney preschool programs.
Preschool and Pre-K Round-Up
Tuesday, February 11th at 5:00 PM at Lourdes
Preschool Applications
Play is an important part of learning experiences for children. Play helps develop large and small muscle skills, build thinking and reasoning skills, and expand language, communications and interaction skills. Play also fosters individuality, creativity and imagination.
Our classrooms are organized into nine specific learning centers: discovery/science, writing, dramatic play, manipulatives, art, sensory, blocks, and music and movement. While the centers remain constant, materials within each center are changed regularly.
Large motor activity time is scheduled each week, either outside if weather permits, or in the Activity Center.
The early years are a time when young children are learning how to get along with others and what behaviors are appropriate in different situations. We take a preventative approach to discipline - redirection - that teaches positive behaviors rather than punishing negative behaviors.
Children may be removed from the group when all other interventions have failed. Teachers will use this time to calm the child before returning to group activities. Problem-solving techniques are included in our curriculum and no physical punishment or verbal abuse is every used.
Parents and grandparents are welcome and encouraged to visit the preschool at any time after the first month, which is an orientation period for teachers and children. Thereafter, parents are invited to help with special activities in the classrooms throughout the year.
The State of Iowa and the Diocese of Davenport require all volunteers to pass a background check. Those who sign up to volunteer will be contacted by our Safe Environment Coordinator with instructions for completing the background check and required online training.
Each student is responsible for bringing a healthy snack for the class on assigned days. A snack calendar will be sent home with your child each month. Please follow the guidelines for healthy snacks posted inside the snack bucket, which will be sent home with the child the night before their assigned day. If your child is not able to bring snacks for any reason, please notify the teacher so other arrangements can be made. We will notify parents of any food allergies among students.
Each year, St. John Vianney Preschool holds a fundraiser to raise money for preschool equipment. A portion of funds raised is donated to other causes, such as the St. Joseph Worker House in Rock Island, the St. John Vianney Youth Ministry Thanksgiving basket program, the Kahl Home and the Teenage Academic Parenting Program.
The key to a successful preschool experience is communications between parents and teachers. Feel free to stop by and visit the St. John Vianney Preschool, or call us at
(563) 332-5308 to learn more about us.
Statewide Voluntary Preschool Handbook for Bettendorf District & Community Preschools